Monday, February 28, 2011

Stamp With Fun #100 Sketch time and put on your Sunglasses!!

HEY I'M HERE! I hope you're wearing your sunglasses because this one is a bright one. Well I'm late posting because i had a day out shopping for copics yesterday.I found none of the ones i needed and ended up buying other nice colors so it's OK i guess.I did get other goodies from the art store like some brushes and charcoal pencils.Another reason I'm late posting is because i was waffling with my teammies(Make it Colourful) instead of coming straight over here to post my late card lol!!!
((WHISPERING)) Oh you guys are in for a nice surprise coming from Zoe-licious shhhhhh! Don't tell her i told you this because it's my NECK!!! Zoe is always working on something new i tell you lol!
This weekly challenge is a Sketch by the talented Tina. This time we are sponsored by Cute Stamps and Cards so make sure you stop by and check out the rest of the team and the yummy prize.
I also wanted to tell you i was having a ball reading all the comments and stories left on my last posting.I mean from missing eyebrows ,Crisco grease,tricking their grandma's to get a haircut,cutting clothes and cutting fringes was the popular one lol! I mean they were all hilarious and it brought more memories reading them all.
SHHH! Here is another story about my daughter, Krystalyn back when she was @3yo (now a 14yo) One day she put on cream like she regularly does when she gets out the shower. OK well i started smelling a funky odor and when i saw her face full of of this thick white cream that wasn't BLENDING OUT!!! I screamed and THANK GOD I noticed early enough before it took effect. My poor baby had put on NAIR hair removal cream all over her face :( thinking it was her baby cream.Since their both pink bottles and the same size she must of grabbed the wrong one.Till this day it gets brought up over and over and we just a get a laugh out of it.
Today has been a waffling day for me so sorry lol! Anyways here is a looksie of my new card.I hope you like it and tell me what you think.If you look behind her i kept the sketch and still incorporated a small scene.
I used will you be my valentine Magnolia from the ,"You are so special collection" .You could get it at the Magnolia-licious store and it's in stock now!!!!


I stamped a tag from the little mini Studio G $1 stamps i picked up at Joann's and it says ,"For You".
Oh i forgot to tell you it's a tent card too.

Did you like it???


Not only did i get an award from one friend but got it from two on the same day ,WHOOHOOO!!!! My nice friends Suzanne and Crystal aka Cricket

Thank you ladies i really really appreciate your sweet awards.I have stopped sharing them though not because i'm a meannie LOL!Just because I have too many blogging friends and can't just pass it out to 8. I will leave it here for ALL my friends that would like to clip it up.You are all very welcome to it if you wish.

Thanks again for stopping by my small corner and leaving me with big smiles((hugs))RubyM:)

My Challenges

Colour Create Challenge Blog Fruits ( I have a hawaiian salad going :) went with green kiwi,red cherries,yellow banana and a dash of white for the
whipped cream ((smiles))
Sweet Stampin Oh so girly
Fairy Knoll A little Green
Digi Doodle Shop's Best Spots and dots
Ann's Creative Nook Bring on the colours


  1. Oh Ruby, She is so pretty. I don't think she is too bright, she is beautiuful! Hugs! Leah Ann

  2. Hi Ruby, what a bright and beautiful card!!
    I love your bow :) So big and beautiful!!
    Have a great day, and I love your story's :) hugs Anneke

  3. Oh I love your waffling! I love a good waffle all around!! Your stories make me laugh OUT LOUD ! LIKE THIS -LOL-. Last summer my son was putting my hair wax all over his face when my hubby walked into the bathroom. I was at work.....but I could just imagine the look on his face after getting caught! Your card is great. And a tent card to boot. !! Wow,ya I came looking for it yesterday, but it was not here!?!?> HHmmmmmmmmm..........TFS. HEY- I have blogaversary candy on my blog. Come check it out girl! Take Care.

  4. Hi Ruby!!
    *lol* Thanks for making me laugh girl!! Needed it badly after my weekend!!
    Oh...what the kids come up with...*lol* Reminds me of something my oldest daughter did... I have to write about it on my blog someday...I'm still embarresed to go to a certain place....*lol* Love thatcard, and your coloring...amazing!

  5. WOW WOW WOW - Ruby this is truly AMAZING!!!! Love the doily frame - soooo clever. You are one AWESOME talent gorgeous!!!
    Shhhh - have I buttered you up enough for another hint about what Zoe's up too - hehehehehe...

  6. Ohhhhh lordy, lordy, Ruby.....this is GORGEOUS!!!! Your coloring is AMAZING, PHENOMENAL!!! lOVE the little scene you created and that doily is the perfect touch!
    Love reading your entertaining posts.
    Outstanding work by an outstanding artist!!!!

  7. Gorgeous card Ruby-licious! Beautiful colouring and love the ribbon & tag!

    As for your daughter....EEKK! Lucky she didn't lift the skin off her face!

  8. Just reading this makes my face hurt - Ouch!! But on a lighter note, your card looks great, I LOVE the colors you chose - their perfect!

  9. Darling card Ruby! Love the spring feel to it and beautifully colored Tilda!!! Terrific work!!!

  10. Hey girl!!! Love your card, Ruby! The bright colors and big polka dotted ribbon is fabulous! And love this Tilda! Gorgeous!
    hugs, Sharon

  11. Ah, Tilda is so cute standing in the grass. Love the "bright".

  12. Ruby! This is an amazing card and so beautifully done! Your coloring of the folds in Tilda's apparel is fabulous. Love the way you did the doily around just part of the circle and then completed it with the flowers. The colors are bright, but fantastic! Way to go girl...hugs...Barb

  13. Girl, you never cease to amaze me...this is absolutely marvelous!! I love the bright, cheery colors and you always have a great LOL story! Made me laugh for sure! Hugs, Rosemary

  14. It's not too bright, Ruby. Don't need sunglasses LOL! It's bright and cheerful! Love the pleated doily and little tag.
    Hugs, Cami

  15. Gorgeous Ruby! So bright and cheerful! I need to get that fence punch!


  16. She's absolutly adorable Ruby! LOVE all the bright colors in pinks! What a beautiful layout! Great job!
    Judy K.

  17. A truly precious springy feel and love the beautiful pink & yellow combo Ruby. Tilda look so cheerful and this sure brighten up whoever that is getting this :o)

  18. Honey this is fantastic!!! you have just made this image come to life, amazing...Janine

  19. OMG Ruby, this is gorgoues! I so love the rich colors; Tilda looks fantastic in her deep pink dress! And what a pretty Spring scene you have created! Awesome, I love it!

  20. A lovely Spring card, Ruby! Tilda has been coloured in beautifully and I love the pleated doily. Thanks for the laugh - aren't kids great! Hugs, Becca

  21. Gorgeous card, Ruby! How I love these colors! And that frame is to die for. I tried to figure out how you've made it. Is it pleated or cut? Hmmm, it's a mistery:)). Love your coloring, always did!
    Hugs, Iulia

  22. Ooo love those bright colors Ruby! Gorgeous coloring as always my friend! Wow! Love how you did the pleated doily on your card - so pretty! Tilda looks beautiful framed by that circle! :) hugs, Angela

  23. hahahha .... SHHHHHH.....
    I don't know it's that exciting. They might start thinking I am making a circus or something?? By the way I luuurve this card Rubilicious!! Awesome idea with the doily and the colouring is perfection as per usual AND that bow! Very bold but perfect! hugs xxoo

  24. Soooooo pretty! It's not bright...but it is bold and beautiful! Love the cicle going around the tilda and the little bows are just perfect!! Too cute! Btw, the best part of being a mom is the funny things we encounter along the way that our kids do!!
    Tracy V

  25. Ruby your card is gorgeous! Love how you colored Tilda!

  26. Hey Miss Ruby! I am so happy you popped in my blog this morning cause I might have missed this pretty card. I am forever behind but what can one do? LOL! This card is beautiful Ruby and I love the way you did the doily. The more I study your card the more wowed I get. The scene is great - from Tilda with her flowers standing in the grass to the fence and cute butterflies. The first thing that caught my eye was your bow and you balanced it perfectly with those pretty flowers. The colors are wonderful Ruby!! Thanks for stopping by and leaving some love on my last card dear heart!

  27. Nair? Oh no!!!! That stuff STINKS! Haha...poor kid! I hope she wasn't traumatized!
    Ok, onto your card...GORGEOUS! I love the grass and the fence behind sweet Tilda! What beautiful, bright, cheery colors too...come on spring, get your lazy ass to Missouri!!!! ;D

  28. Oh gosh, Ruby, another darling card!! She's not too bright at all, just very cheerful!!! Loving the stories on the kiddos... aren't they fun???!! LOL!! Miss ya!

  29. ohhh Rby ,
    I love this bright colours, you have created such a happy garden for this Tilda.

  30. Oh wow! Your card is stunning!

  31. Wow this is gorgeous, thanks for joining us at colour create, hugs Liz xx

  32. OMGoodness I have my sunglasses on....NOT REALLY...I really love your card and it is not
    too bright I love it..great coloring
    Hugs Linda

  33. oooh fantastic!! love the colours, and that beautiful bow, thanks for playing along with Craftycatz, x carol

  34. Yes it is bright but beautiufl dear RUby!!!
    Love it and I am so glad that you had a good day out shopping..
    Thank you for joining us at Colour Create. hugs, Janiel

  35. Ok I brought my glasses and I'm soooooo glad. LOL!! Then I took them off and oh did it FEEL GOOD!! Made me feel so freakin springy!! Ooohh ahhhh I needed that! This is so CUTE! I ♥ the brightness of it and that framing is a great layout. AND LUUUUUVVV your coloring. FABULOUS!! Hugs1

  36. Ruby,
    Lots of beautiful detailing going on here! I am always in awe of your shading! I love those little bows too! YOu're freaking awesome! <3 Have a great day, girlie!

  37. Oh wow!! She's so gorgeous!! I love the doily and the colors are fabulous!! Such a darling scene!! TFS! HUGS

  38. Lovely card. Thanks for playing along this week with Sweet Stampin'. Hugs, Claire x

  39. Gorgeous card, love all the different elements, thank you for joining us at DDSB this week
    Ruth x

  40. how lovely is this and thanks for joining CC this week

  41. Hi! Ruby... I'm late, No. 44 comments... Your card is totally gorgeous. Your coloring is jaw breaking or falling off my chair! I love all your shades of pink, so no need for sunglasses, it's like I love them.
    Gorgeous, fabulous.
    Hugs. D.

  42. a gorgeous card Ruby, fabulous colouring and i love the colours that you have used. hugs rachxx

  43. This is beautiful :) Thank you for joining us over at sweet stampin.
    Jo xx

  44. Fabulous card. Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin.

  45. BEEE-U-TIFUL Ruby girl!!

  46. OMG!!!! Ruby this is outstanding!!!!! Love, love, love the colors you used here!!! Thanks for playing along at the Nook this week!!!

    P.S. You are my winner this week too!!! Email me your address to and I will get a stampin' goodie package out to you.


Thank you for leaving me a comment and leaving me with a smile :)