Thursday, November 21, 2013

SC Turtle lurv Thank you card

Welcome back guys and I know I've been filling you up with cards this week lol! So many things going on with my teams and we're getting ready for the Holidays, new releases and CHA creations behind the scenes as well.
Yup CHA is right around the corner and I have tons of homework!
Anywhoo well Saturated Canary is back with a new challenge and you guys this one is very easy for many. Who does not distress please raise your hands.
 Ok well if you don't distress could be translated as distress your paper you know rip it up a bit or how about distress coloring. You could do the watercoloring and I know it could be done with the alcohol markers too. Anyways have fun and rip something up lol! Just a little bit because I know it's hard to rip pretty paper lol!
This is also card number 3 for a commission order I got but I'm thinking I might have to eliminate the RoseRed card. Don't know... but It might be more than likely. I just think it didn't go with the Willow card and this one. I have another one in the works OMG I haven't started but I'm so anxious and yup another SC card lol!
The image I have colored today is a Saturated Canary Turtle lurv digi and I used copics on MIC blending paper. I didn't insert the coloring recipe but if you ask. I still have them aside so I could pretty much put it together ((whispering... I'm too tired aka lazy to do it now lol)
Oh ...... I'm sure I'm gonna end up adding it later. You know which reminds me if you see something colored on my blog with no recipe. If you're interested I do write them down and have piles of sticky's lol! Just a matter of going through them :P
Ok a few pictures


I hope you like my card and please swing by the challenge blog to see what my DT sisters have created.
That's it for me for this week and I'm not sure when I'll be back . I'm sure soon Oh yes I have an Alby image due soon :)
Thanks for all the lovely comments and emails.
Don't forget you could follow me on Facebook and on pinterest too :)
SWEET SWEET KISSES and I'll see you back soon.


  1. wooow she is gorgeous Ruby! You colored her perfect. so beautiful card.

  2. WOW, absolutely gorgeous, Ruby!
    Cathy Lee


Thank you for leaving me a comment and leaving me with a smile :)